AL-Manar Int’l School (AMIS)

AL-Manar Int’l School (AMIS)- Junior Ambassadors Conference (JAC)  with “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” message on 07.05.2024 in Hilton West Bay from 10:00-12:30

Reena Naser had the honor of participating in the Al Manar International School (AMIS) Junior Ambassadors Conference (JAC), an event dedicated to nurturing environmental awareness and leadership skills among young students. The conference, held at the Hilton Hotel in West Bay, centered around the theme “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle,” emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices in preserving our planet for future generations.

As a distinguished guest and judge, Reena had the opportunity to witness the impressive projects and presentations of the 5th and 6th-grade students. These young ambassadors represented 20 different countries and showcased their research and perspectives on how these nations address recycling challenges. The students displayed remarkable creativity, critical thinking, and public speaking skills as they presented their findings to the audience and judges.

Reena, along with other judges, carefully evaluated the students’ presentations based on criteria such as content, originality, and effectiveness in conveying the message of sustainability. The winning teams were awarded certificates and trophies in recognition of their outstanding projects and commitment to environmental stewardship.

In addition to her role as a judge, Reena was invited to share a brief presentation with the audience. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in raising awareness about sustainable practices. She highlighted the power of collective action and encouraged the students to continue their efforts in promoting environmentally friendly behaviors within their schools, families, and communities.

The audience for this event included not only the students and their families but also esteemed ambassadors from the represented countries and key figures from the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability sectors in Qatar. This diverse audience underscored the significance of the Junior Ambassadors Conference in fostering cross-cultural understanding and international cooperation in the face of global environmental challenges.

Through her participation in the Al Manar International School Junior Ambassadors Conference, Reena Naser had the privilege of witnessing the passion, intelligence, and dedication of young minds in the fight for a more sustainable future. The event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of engaging and empowering youth to become environmental leaders and change-makers in their communities and beyond.

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