Qatar Sustainability Week – Ministry of Municipalities

Qatar Sustainability Week Participation in a Panel Discussion about: “Sustainability between the Past & Present” held  by the Ministry of Municipalities on 08.11.2023 @ DOHA EXPO 2023 Expo Center-Culture Zone-Al-Bidaa Park @ 9:00-11:00

This panel discussion, held as part of Qatar Sustainability Week, brought together a diverse group of experts to explore how traditional wisdom and time-honored practices can inform innovative solutions to contemporary sustainability challenges. Reena Naser, a prominent social sustainability consultant and advocate, shared personal stories highlighting the importance of sustainability and discussed the role of social media in spreading awareness about sustainable practices.

Dr. Ali Abdallah Al-Ibrahim, a renowned CSR expert in Qatar and the region, provided valuable insights into corporate social responsibility and its potential to drive sustainable development. Eng. Mohammed Hassouneh from HBKU’s Koranic Gardens shared his expertise on the intersection of faith, ecology, and sustainability, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural resources and biodiversity.

The live audience for this event included students from Al-Dhaayen girls’ elementary public school in Lusail, who had the opportunity to engage directly with the panelists and ask questions. Earlier in the day, these students participated in hands-on activities such as tree planting and recycled organic painting, reinforcing the practical applications of sustainability.

Through this interactive panel discussion, attendees gained a deeper understanding of how traditional knowledge and practices can be integrated with modern innovations to create a more sustainable future. The event aimed to inspire participants to apply these insights within their own communities and spheres of influence, contributing to a collective effort towards sustainability.

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